Intuitive Healing Sessions
Crystal Bowl Meditations
Infinity Abstract Paintings Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Classes and Workshops

Intuitive Healer, Crystal Bowl Sound Practitioner and Teacher.

Intuitive Healer, Crystal Bowl Sound Practitioner, Artist and Teacher.

Playing the Tibetan Bowls in the Shaman's Cave.

Intuitive Healer, Crystal Bowl Sound Practitioner and Teacher.

Every Wednesday at the Aloft Hotel
downtown Asheville at 6:00PM
on the 2nd floor of the Lobby.
51 Biltmore Ave., Asheville, NC
Join us for an Acrylic Pour Painting Class!
Create a beautiful painting on a 12 x 16 canvas that you will take home that night!
Let Your Spirit Flow...
Perfect for all artistic levels. The class includes demonstration, paint, canvas, supplies and take
home instructions.
Come let your inner child play!
Pre-register is recommended. Seating is limited.
The class is approximately 2 hours. Bring a paint shirt or apron for this event or use one of mine.
Cost is $40 per person.
Contact: Riitta Thrall for registration and more details via email RiittaThrall@aol.com or Facebook.